Published on Jun 2, 2013 9:05 am
WPNV (WindPower Innovations, Inc.) has been an incredible ride for our subscribers so far and especially wild and profitable for our Platinum Members. Last Thursday we issued a special early bird alert to our platinum members, via a direct e-mail newsletter, at 6:30 am before the beginning of the trading day. By the end of the day WPNV had seen 11 times its average daily volume traded and a gain of more than 66%. It became clear very quickly, that our penny stock newsletter initiative has continued to grow in its awareness reach, as the buying pressure poured into the stock. Mid-day our free members were alerted and managed to see 33% gains from their alert. This proved a great example of the incredible advantages that our Platinum Members are able to see in their trading practices, due to the exclusive information that we send to them before all others.
Over the course of the past 6 weeks, our Platinum Members have seen gains of more than 2,500%. To subscribe to our exclusive Platinum Membership package, go to
One very important aspect of the special alerts for WPNV (Windpower Innovations, Inc.) that we sent out last week, was that we are expecting more of a sustained run with this company, so we believe that we may very well see continued momentum this week, as more traders become aware of the significant strides that this company is taking. Remember that the company has been very active with regard to changes to management, enlisting non-paid awareness campaigns to raise awareness, and completion of projects;most recently the completion of a major acquisition. As things continue to progress for this fast moving penny stock pick, we will be sure to continue to provide updates, so if you have not signed up already, be sure to subscribe to our penny stock newsletter alerts today. Though we do offer an exclusive Platinum Membership package, subscription to the basic version of our newsletter is absolutely free. To subscribe to the free version of our newsletter go to We will have special updates on WPNV and various other major penny stock plays that we feel are full of potential. and its employees are not registered as Investment Advisers in any jurisdiction whatsoever. We encourage all of those that are interested in trading penny stocks, or any other form of investment, to conduct their own research to garner a better understanding of what they are getting involved in. Be sure to read the full disclaimer at:
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