Special Update On SRGL
Yesterday, we released SRGL to free members at $.0009, after having already released it early to Platinum Members, at $.0006. The movement so far has been incredible for platinum members, who saw a 100% gain but not so much for free members yet, due to their receiving the word on this play later. Regardless of how things may be going for SRGL right now, we are still expecting this to become one of the fastest moving penny stock picks around, as time progresses because we continue to expect to see updates from the company, within the relatively near future. As we have stated already, management has been fairly quiet with regard to updates, so we are looking forward to what they may roll out with soon.
The low float here combined with the consistently increasing trading volume and chatter about the company, pushes us to believe that SRGL is on the cusp of far more movement to come, so be sure to continue to watch it very carefully, as things continue to progress. We are very bullish about this one, so stay tuned!
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