New Power Play:
Hey Dreamers, this is a major new power play announcement for UAPC, which has been performing very powerfully lately. We released UAPC early to platinum members, more than 5 hours ago, which clearly afforded them a major advantage in being able to wrap their minds around the serious potential of this pick. Those of you that have been with us for a while, may remember that we once released UAPC as a quick-trade play for platinum members back in January, and within one day, saw it close up more than 81 percent, only to move on for more than 120 percent gains. After this move, we moved on to release other successful picks. Well now, with the attention that it is picking up, we believe that it is very important for us to turn our attention to it once again because the float is still very low and they are gaining a lot of attention, suggesting to us, that this is about to start moving very quickly.
Remember that this is an oil company that is reporting very solid revenues, when considering the level that it is sitting at, so be sure to keep a close eye on the action this week because things will be getting very interesting. Also remember that the most recent platinum picks should still be watched carefully and that we will continue to provide updates to you all under your platinum portal login on the site.
Get ready for this powerful new week!
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