It seems that a general theme as of late, has been that past plays that worked out well for us, are once again seeming as though they are ready to show themselves to be packing a whole lot of power. One such past play is TEMN (Team Nation Holdings, Corp.) and it seems to us that this old alert may be ready to show itself to be a monster in disguise, as volume is slowly increasing and it managed a close up 30% at the high of the day. It is currently trading at $.0013 and though it traded only 20 million shares, this increase in interest, has enticed us to reexamine it as a possible pre-runner because it seems to have a great deal of the catalysts behind it that are what we generally look for. Remember that over the course of the past 5 weeks, our platinum membership subscribers, have seen profit potential of more than 2,050% on our fastest moving penny stock alerts, so we highly suggest that you keep a close eye on what is to come with TEMN, as things move forward.
TEMN has a management that has not operated in the manner that your typical penny stock investor would enjoy. This is not to say that there is not hard work being done behind the scenes but rather that they have chosen to work diligently on completing important filings to ensure that it has a strong backing and can eventually move up the tiers of the penny stock exchange, rather than focusing on news releases and hype. With the amount of time that they have been dedicating to this method, we believe that it is just a matter of time until there are more filings out, the company has moved up tiers to become more compliant in their reporting, and also begin releasing key press releases. If ever there was a prime time, to take a look into TEMN, that time is now because it seems that there is a strong core group of long holders that recognize just what it is that is going on here, as interest slowly trickles in. It seems as though there is some classic, pre-move accumulation taking place, so this is definitely one that many of you will want to take a look at. and its employees are not registered as Investment Advisers in any jurisdiction whatsoever. We encourage all of those that are interested in trading penny stocks, or any other form of investment, to conduct their own research to garner a better understanding of what they are getting involved in. Be sure to read the full disclaimer at: