SVFC Up 100% Mid-Day On Over 513 Million Shares Traded!
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SVFC has woken up traders in a major way so far today, as it is currently seeing massive gains on very high volume. With almost a full four hours left to the trading day, the company is currently up 100% on more than 513 million shares traded, which is already more volume than it has seen in an entire day, in years.
Considering that there are still 4 hours left to trading, we hold no doubts that this days volume will be breaking significant records for the company, as this period of sudden growth, really begins really begins to kick into high gear. A lot of the attention brought here, stems from a solid current report filing released yesterday at 2:50 pm, that brought in heavier buying pressure, as it clearly resonated very well with investors and traders alike. With the speed at which things are picking up here, we believe that this may only be the beginning, so if there was ever a time in which you should really take up an interest in keeping an eye on this one, that time is now. There is no telling how far it may be able to go, with the sort of attention that it is picking up, which again goes to show the importance of platforms like ours, that are able to truly bring the sort of awareness to the table, that these companies need to get their points across to a wider audience.
As our platform continues to strengthen and grow, we never forget the importance of having a fresh, steady flow of new penny stock picks for you all to look into. Over the course of the past 2 weeks, our alerts gained over 371%, so we truly feel that it would be in your best interest to keep up with our platform and what we are releasing. With that in mind, there are a lot of new newsletter picks coming, that will be released to our platinum members before they are revealed to anyone else. These early announcements that platinum members are able to gain access to, can prove very beneficial, so if you would like to get your hands on them, be sure to subscribe to an exclusive platinum membership package, at and its employees are not registered as Investment Advisers in any jurisdiction whatsoever. This is not a solicitation to buy or sell any stocks and is purely here for entertainment purposes only. We encourage all of those that are interested in trading penny stocks, or any other form of investment, to conduct their own research to garner a better understanding of what they are getting involved in. Be sure to read the full disclaimer at: