The first time that we released a full-scale alert on FITX (Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc.) it ran up 383.87% within just 5 days! This movement was incredible and boded very well for our VIP Platinum Members, who were able to receive the alert before it was released to anyone else. This allowed them to get the exclusive first peak at this powerful alert. After we released FITX and saw those incredible gains, we moved on to alert a large number of other power plays that saw incredible gains for our subscribers. In just the past 5 weeks, our Platinum Members have seen gains of more than 1,818% on our top winning penny stock alerts.
Though we were able to show you all incredible gains on FITX before, last week we finally decided to release another full scale alert on FITX because we felt that it was finally time to see this incredible play move up again, as yet another penny stock power play for all of you to enjoy and boy were we right! We re-released FITX on December 30th at 10:30 pm, when the price was sitting at $.0037. Now just 4 trading days later, FITX is trading mid-day at $.0062, meaning another 67.57% gains on FITX within that short time period. Off of just two alerts on FITX, our subscribers have now seen total gains of 451.44%, spanning 9 trading days. These amazing gains go to show the incredible power of becoming a paying member at Platinum Membership is the only way to be able to receive these high level penny stock alerts before they are revealed to anyone else. and its employees are not registered as Investment Advisers in any jurisdiction whatsoever. We encourage all of those that are interested in trading penny stocks, or any other form of investment, to conduct their own research to garner a better understanding of what they are getting involved in. Be sure to read the full disclaimer at: