Published on Dec 10, 2012 4:22 am
Over the course of the past two weeks our
Platinum Members have seen 414% gains on the penny stock alerts that we have been dishing out but this is not to say that free members have not been seeing massive gains as well. In just a two day period this past week, free members saw gains of more than 72%, showing that regardless of your membership level, our subscribers stand a good chance to see significant profits. Though we are not certain about when the next free newsletter alert will be released, as usual we will have another special release going out to our Platinum Members this week. We have been receiving numerous e-mails from
Platinum Members thanking us for the incredible profits that they have been seeing with the alerts coming from but we believe the best has yet to come. At the rate in which profits have been flowing for the Platinum Members, it comes as no surprise that Platinum Membership has seen such record increases, further expanding the incredible strength held within our newsletter alerts.
The increase in Platinum and general memberships alike, has significantly increased the level of outreach that our platform is able to pull together. So on one hand our incredible subscribers majoratively speaking have a great deal more money than before to invest with due to significant gains, while at the same time we have attained more subscribers, meaning that we suspect that there will be an even greater push coming to the future plays. There is a great likelihood that the push for future plays will be nothing short of impressive, especially considering the significant amount of calls that we have had come in, asking about the
Platinum Membership packages that we offer. Things are about to get a whole lot more interesting this week.
Stay tuned! and its employees are not registered as Investment Adviser’s in any jurisdiction whatsoever. We encourage all of those that are interested in trading penny stocks, or any other form of investment, to conduct their own research to garner a better understanding of what they are getting involved in. Be sure to read the full disclaimer at:
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