Published on Apr 3, 2013 7:56 pm
REAC (Real Estate Contacts, Inc.) broke out of a significant downward trend today, surging up to close out the day with 65% gains, showing that this top penny stock play, still holds a great deal of strength. With the movement and momentum of trading seen today
Penny Stock Dream believes that there may be potential to see a continued run from this penny stock play, as opposed to it being just another "bounce." Remember that as with prior plays, bounces often happen when a stock has seen a significant decline, whether that decline having been over a long period of time, or a quick parabolic drop. More often than not, penny stock investment plays will tend to see an eventual run after a significant downturn, unless there happens to be significant reasoning as to why the stock dropped in the first place.
As with all other situations REAC (Real Estate Contacts, Inc.) is an incredibly risky play, especially considering that penny stock investments often prove to be of greater risk than other investment choices out there. Regardless of risk though, there is still the possibility that this powerful, fast moving penny stock may see sustained movement due to increased attention coming its way due to the awareness that today's movement may continue to bring to the stock. There is also the realization that the sort of percentage gain seen with REAC (Real Estate Contacts, Inc.) today, may trigger numerous trading scanners that look out for increased volume and pricing of stocks across the board. It is more likely than not, that this company will see some strong trades coming through tomorrow.
As always
Penny Stock Dream aims to bring the very best penny stock alerts to our subscriber base, as we hope to bring everyone information about penny stock investments, well before they have attained substantial growth in price per share. While REAC (Real Estate Contacts, Inc.) had a very impressive day, with over 18.3 million shares traded and an increase in price per share of 65%, there are still many impressive penny stock investment options out there each and every day. Those wishing to receive our future penny stock alerts should sign up to our top penny stock newsletter alerts, if you have not already. You can sign up to our free penny stock newsletter at and its employees are not registered as Investment Advisers in any jurisdiction whatsoever. We encourage all of those that are interested in trading penny stocks, or any other form of investment, to conduct their own research to garner a better understanding of what they are getting involved in. Be sure to read the full disclaimer at:
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