PMCM is up 400% for our subscribers in
just 4 trading days. Subscribe today!
This entire year, every single penny stock newsletter release, has seen incredible gains, with PMCM (Primco Management Inc.) proving no exception. Last week Wednesday, we released a major alert very early on to our Exclusive Platinum Members before it was seen by anyone else, while PMCM was trading at just $.0007 per share. 4 trading days later, is is already up 400% at $.0035, more than tripling in value, for our subscribers within this short amount of time. Over the course of the past 3 weeks, our Platinum Membership subscribers, have seen record-breaking profit potential of nearly 600% on our penny stock alerts! The movement that our subscribers have been seeing on our penny stock picks is almost unheard of within these markets and are in direct relation to the level of intense research that we put into each and every play, before we send them out, to ensure that we are able to bring you all the absolute best that the exchange has to offer.
Even though our plays have been performing incredibly well, we still fully intend to release numerous power plays over the course of the coming weeks, that we believe have incredible potential to see significant movement, in effort to keep things exciting and new for all of our subscribers. These major releases will be sent out to our Platinum Members before anyone else, so if you would like to receive the special early word, be sure to subscribe to your exclusive platinum package, at Platinum Members have been seeing incredible advantages to holding onto their platinum status, so this is certainly a platform that you will want to look into. and its employees are not registered as Investment Adviser's in any jurisdiction whatsoever. We encourage all of those that are interested in any other form of investment, to conduct their own research to garner a better understanding of what they are getting involved in. Be sure to read the full disclaimer for this announcement here: http://www.