Subscribers to the penny stock newsletter service continued to see continued movement in shares of Northstar Global Business Services, Inc after a close up 14.75% last Friday. Those that have been actively trading the stock have seen significant gains on Northstar Global alerts from as they have continued to hail it as one of their top penny stock picks, via their penny stocks blog and various other social networking mediums. As a result of the significant gains that this stock has seen over time, many investors interested in trading penny stocks have opted to sign up to their paid Platinum Membership subscription level. This level has afforded many investors the opportunity to receive early alerts on their major plays allowing them the ability to take up positions in the stocks themselves, before the potential of heavy movement due to their awareness campaigns, comes into play. This group has been spreading awareness to potential investors about Northstar Global for weeks and as such the stock has seen steady gains the whole way through. In the past 6 weeks, shares of this company saw gains of more than 4,100%, netting significant gains for subscribers to the platform. It seems as though this fast growing top penny stock newsletter organization has doing almost no wrong, over the course of the past 6 weeks, as their winning penny stock picks have net significant potential gains for their subscribers. It is a true rarity for any promotional service to see the sort of impressive profits that their top picks have been bringing in. continues to see incredible profits on their winning penny stock plays, not only because of the in depth research that they delve into but also because of their marketing skill sets within the penny stock exchange. As the brand has continued to expand at a rapid rate they have seen a record number of subscribers opting to sign up to their paid platinum member subscription packages. Over the course of the past 3 weeks they have seen Platinum subscription increased by more than 650%, by those investors looking to get their hands on investment picks before the masses. This group has managed to become the fastest growing penny stock newsletter organization because they are fine tuned to the fast paced changes that are constantly coming to the penny stock exchange. As continues to expand their promotional focus and pull more potential investors onto their platform, they see expanded coverage from followers that also have their own networking groups for the sharing of penny stock picks and information. The more people involved in spreading the message, the more powerful the investment awareness alerts from become. Upholding their reputation as the top penny stock newsletter service while simultaneously bringing in incredibly profitable winning plays, has not been easy for this powerful promotion group but as they continue to grow, adopt, and change as the world of the penny stock exchange does, they continue to see more new members excited by the idea of trading penny stocks. There is no doubt that at their current rate of growth, the brand will become an ever more recognized name within this field of and its employees are not registered as Investment Adviser’s in any jurisdiction whatsoever. We encourage all of those that are interested in trading penny stocks, or any other form of investment, to conduct their own research to garner a better understanding of what they are getting involved in. Be sure to read the full disclaimer at: