GEQU Gained 525% For Our Subscribers In 3 And A Half Weeks!
Become A Platinum Member, For Early Access To New Picks.
As of the high of the day today, even with the modest drop that we saw, GEQU has gained as much as 525% for our subscribers, in just 3 and a half weeks! This pick was initially released to our Platinum Membership Subscribers, when it was trading at just .0012 just 3 and a half weeks ago and like many of our picks lately, has gone on to net powerful ongoing gains for our members.
Remember that only Platinum Members have the ability to receive our best picks before they have been seen by anyone else. In fact, we currently have a secret Platinum Pick out, that was released at the beginning of the week, that free members have still not received and just today it closed up more than 35%, as it is quickly picking up traction. Be sure to Subscribe To Your Own Platinum Membership Package Today, if you would like to receive special access to this and early access to our other upcoming new picks. You will not want to miss out on what will be coming up next. There are a lot of new picks soon to be released as exclusive early-bird releases for Platinum Members, so get ready! and its employees are not registered as Investment Advisers in any jurisdiction whatsoever. This is not a solicitation to buy or sell any securities and is purely here for entertainment purposes only. We encourage all of those that are interested in trading securities, or any other form of investment, to conduct their own research to garner a better understanding of what they are getting involved in. Be sure to read the full disclaimer at: