Our Penny Stock Alerts Have Gained Over 570% Within 6 Trading Days!
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Things continued to go very well for our awareness platform yesterday, as the gains from our top winning plays continued to mount with one in particular, on ITEN, closing up 167.39% on its own! With the movement that our picks have seen lately between newsletters, social media alerts, and blog updates, our platform has seen alerts gain over 570% within the past 6 trading days, which has boded incredibly well for platinum members, who were the only ones that were able to receive secret platinum picks, that went up well over 125% within this time period.
Also of important note, is that the platinum picks seem poised for major growth this week, when looking at the charts, so if you have not already subscribed to your own exclusive platinum package, the time to do so is now because there will be a lot of new solid picks coming and you definitely will not want to miss what is about to be announced. We are expecting these next few months to be massive!
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