Our Penny Stock Alerts Gained Over 371% In the Past 2 Weeks!
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Twelve days ago, we released WTWO as a secret pick, reserved only for platinum members, while it was sitting at .0005. As of today's close, it is up 100 percent, and at the high of the day, up as much as 120 percent.
With this, the early platinum pick on NSEH 2 weeks ago and the blog and social media campaigns, our picks have now gained over 371 percent within the past 2 weeks, so we are looking forward to bringing some more power plays to the table.
This time of year, is huge for these small companies, so get ready for some major ones that we have still yet to release. Platinum members will be getting these first, so if you want the early first look, be sure to subscribe today. Otherwise, we will be releasing some of these upcoming picks to free members, well after they have been released to platinum members, so you will still get a chance to check out the info. We're expecting these next few weeks to be huge, so get ready!
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