Over the course of the past year it has been no secret, that we are very interested in the growth rate of marijuana influenced penny stock plays. As we have said many times, the penny stock exchange sees the bulk of its movement in whatever may be hot at the moment. A great example of this would be all of the stocks that suddenly started to see massive runs, during the bird flu scare, when they claimed to be working on vaccines. Well today, one of the biggest gold rushes that we are seeing is with marijuana plays.
Yesterday, Colorado opened up the first shops to ever sell legal recreational marijuana, in the U.S. As a result of this groundbreaking news, marijuana plays within the penny stock exchange, saw incredible movement. MJNA (Medical Marijuana, Inc.) ran up 22.71%, HEMP (Hemp, Inc.) ran up 53.27%, and CBIS (Cannabis Science, Inc.) ran up 55.15%. The gains yesterday for these plays were massive and are a continuation of a long running up-trend with regard to penny stock marijuana plays.
Just about every time there has been major news with regard to laws becoming more progressive, with regard to marijuana, these plays have been parabolic, and considering that they release their own internal news, to keep investors updated, it is almost as though there is twice as much news, due to the industry getting such powerful exposure nationally. We are very happy to have been able to bring some of these marijuana plays to you all very early on, before they saw extreme movement and suggest that you keep all of these on your radar for what we believe will be long-term progression, as more states begin to take upon the intent to legalize cannabis. It has become very clear, that there is a great deal of money in this industry, so be sure to watch out for the possibility of far more to come.
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