LAKE Has Gained 238.29% In The Past Month!
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LAKE has been seeing massive growth lately, with gains of more than 238% over the course of the past month. The reasoning for this incredible growth, lies in the realm of crisis management, being that the company about 3 weeks ago, made a special announcement to show that they have hazmat suits available to be purchased to protect against ebola. It's during troubled times like these, where we see these sorts of companies see incredible growth, as a result of the spread of dangerous diseases. It's a bit of a dark area in the world of investments, where a major crisis can spark rampant growth for a company and it is unfortunate that things would have to be heading this way, in order for this company to see this sort of growth but it is the unfortunate reality, that this company is growing powerfully as a result of various factors coming together in the word today and their expertise in capitalizing on it. As a result, there is a great deal of possibility that this will continue to see sustained movement and even though this is not a penny stock, as the vast majority of our alerts are, it has managed to move very quickly, in a fashion that would typically be reserved for penny stocks.
We highly suggest that you all keep a close eye on what is to come with this company but as it continues to grow, we will still be releasing our own penny stock newsletter alerts as well. Over the course of the past week our platinum penny stock picks have gained more than 100%, going to show the incredible strength of our alert platform and the reason for so many people flocking to get on our exclusive platinum subscription platform. The next platinum alert will be released later today, so be sure to subscribe to your own platinum membership package, so that you will be able to gain access to this exclusive secret pick, that will not be released to free members and the general public, until well after the market has closed later today. We are very excited about the strength of this new pick, as well as the fast growth that our most recent picks have been seeing. There will be a lot more to come from here, so get ready. and its employees are not registered as Investment Advisers in any jurisdiction whatsoever. This is not a solicitation to buy or sell any stocks and is purely here for entertainment purposes only. We encourage all of those that are interested in trading penny stocks, or any other form of investment, to conduct their own research to garner a better understanding of what they are getting involved in. Be sure to read the full disclaimer at: