ACLP Gained As Much As 600% In The Past 4 Days!
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Within just 4 days time, ACLP has managed to move from a low of $.001 to a high yesterday, of $.007, meaning 600% gains within that time period. Yesterdays performance was incredible at the high but even at the close of trading, it still managed to hold onto gains of 379.99% from that low point just 4 days ago.
The movement seen here lately, has quickly caught the attention of traders that have come across it due to a combination of it's movement being picked up by scanners and also the charting patterns that have been set up, that suggest the possibility of far greater movement to come, since it seems to just be beginning to pick up speed. There really is not telling how uch further this one can go from here, especially if they decide to release key news developments within the near future. It has been quite some time since they have dropped a major news release, so doing so, would definitely generate a lot of renewed attention.
Remember that we will be releasing a lot of major new penny stock picks in the near future, that will all be revealed to our platinum members before they are able to be seen by anyone else, so if you haven't done so as of yet, be sure to subscribe to your own platinum membership. This is the only way that you can ensure that you have early access to our top penny stock picks and it also gives you exclusive access through your log-in section, to see secret alerts that cannot be viewed by free members. and its employees are not registered as Investment Advisers in any jurisdiction whatsoever. This is not a solicitation to buy or sell any stocks and is purely here for entertainment purposes only. We encourage all of those that are interested in trading penny stocks, or any other form of investment, to conduct their own research to garner a better understanding of what they are getting involved in. Be sure to read the full disclaimer at: