Published on Dec 25, 2012 12:37 pm
First of all, we would like to wish a very Merry Christmas to all of our subscribers that celebrate this most wonderful of Holidays. We hope that you all have wonderful happenings within your lives to be thankful for and that you get to spend this beautiful Holiday with your families.
As we enjoy this wonderful Christmas Spirit, we know that the main thoughts in many of your minds with regard to may be, just why do we bother to label ENYC as a Top Penny Stock Investment Pick? After all, it has been the most stagnant of all of our investment picks initially alerted as a Platinum Member Alert. Remember that we have time and again, reminded you that the float here is a very small one and that price fluctuations will be significant. That means that this is the sort of penny stock investment that can move down just as sharply as it can move up. Though the pricing has struggled significantly, nothing has changed here. There has been no negative news but rather positive filings showing growth and upgrades in terms of the trading tier, as the company moves up in the ranks of penny stocks trading within the pink sheets. It is this sort of growth and willingness to provide more transparent financial information that leads us to believe that ENYC has plans to move up to the OTCBB trading tiers, as more financial records are opened to the public.
While there has been no negative news, aside for the slight increase in shares in the float, we have significant expectations for positive news to be released between this week and next. The fact that we saw a 60% gain in share price at the end of the trading day last Friday, goes to show that the price here can increase very rapidly, even without news developments, suggesting that when news is released, ENYC may be able to see it's share price increased exponentially. We still believe that ENYC can hurtle to $.10+ within the near future and for this reason will be stranding right along side it. The only troubling factor is the recognition that due to the year coming to an end, many investors choose to sell off their holdings for tax loss reasoning and also sell for the sake of having money to purchase gifts for the holidays, combined with their being various half-days for trading and cancelled days for the holidays. When all trading is back to normal and traders don't have the need to sell penny stock investments for gift money and taxes, we should be able to see remarkable changes for those that are
actively trading penny stocks; especially those actively trading ENYC. and its employees are not registered as Investment Adviser’s in any jurisdiction whatsoever. We encourage all of those that are interested in trading penny stocks, or any other form of investment, to conduct their own research to garner a better understanding of what they are getting involved in. Be sure to read the full disclaimer at:
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